Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Endo Diet

I’ve been following the Endo Diet for about a month now. Truthfully, I was following it “sort of” for a while before that, but now I have committed to it seriously. Should you try the Endo Diet? There are issues to consider before making this decision. First, let’s take a look at what the Endo Diet is.
There are some different versions floating around out there, but this is what is working for me:

·         No gluten (I’ve been gluten-free nearly 3 years, due to a severe intolerance)
·         No dairy
·         No red meat
·         No soy
·         No caffeine
·         Reduced refined sugar
·         Reduced alcohol
·         Reduced poultry/pork
·         Reduced heavy carbs
·         Increased protein (eggs, nuts, fish)
·         Increased fiber (flax seeds, hemp hearts – more on that later)
·         Increased water

Personally, I have found this to be very helpful so far. It’s too soon to say if it’s “working” or not, but I do feel a lot better. Before following this diet, I was having a lot of upper GI and uppper left rib pain. Often, after eating, I would have pain, nausea, vomiting, and bowel pain. It got so bad that I ended up in the ER, thinking my organs were exploding. That experience scared me into re-evaluating the connection between what I eat and how I feel.
For the last week, I’ve been on really aggressive twice-daily antibiotics. They have been very hard on my stomach, and I haven’t been able to follow the diet as closely as I should. I’ve had to carb load, and haven’t been able to stomach some of my usual fruit and veg. As a result, this morning I noticed the upper GI pain and rib cage pain starting to creep back. It could be coincidence, given how random Endo pain can be, but I think there’s more to it than that.
So should you try the Endo Diet? I can’t answer that for you, but if you’re having digestive issues, it may be something to consider. As always, be sure to carefully document changes you’re making in your treatment so you can track your results effectively.

With peace & joy,

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