Monday, 17 June 2013

The Little Things

Hello lovelies,

After a rough few days, physically and emotionally, I've been thinking today about the things that make it all bearable. Sometimes it's not that I need everything to be magically perfect (though that would be nice), but just enough that I can at least get through my day with some patience, strength, positivity, and dignity. Some things, though not "medicinal" in the typical sense of the word, seem to make it all better. Here's my list:

1. Good Perfume. Everyone's opinion of what consititutes "good" perfume will vary, but for me, "good" perfume is excellent quality, not too flowery, not too musky, and nothing that will skunk in too short a time. My personal favourites include Burberry Touch, Chanel Chance Fraiche, and Lalique original. (Anyone who has seen my vanity table can attest to what can only be described as a "serious perfume problem." Sigh.)

As an aside, I do find that perfumes with a good vanilla note seem to settle my stomach on those lovely nausea-inducing endo days. I heartily recommend Burberry Brit for this.

2. ManicureI actually don't enjoy trips to the spa. I know, I know, there's something wrong with me - I just find them to be a bit impersonal, kind of busy, and just generally not a pleasant experience. The exception to the "no spa" rule for me is the Bayview Village Spa at Bayview Village Mall, but since I definitely can't afford that too often, that's more of a special occasion outing.

However, there is something to be said for having well-manicured nails. I don't know if it's the simplicity of the actual action itself, or something else, but I find the process of doing my nails to be calming and a bit cheering. I did mine last night, and while I still don't feel super-great, it did cheer me up and give me something else to focus on besides pain and blahness.

3. Hot Tea
I love tea. I love it so much that I have a hutch full of cups & saucers, and two shelves of tea. (The less said about the number of tea pots the better!) The smell of it brewing, the tangy, biting first sip, the warmth settling in my body ... what's not to love about a good, hot cup of tea? (Emphasis on "good" - oily, gross tea is not allowed in my house, thank you very much.)

My personal favourites include: Tetley's Orange Pekoe, Barry's Irish Blend, David's Nettle Tea (excellent for menstrual cramps!), David's Organic Peppermint (excellent for nausea!), and anybody's Irish Breakfast. To each their own, but I stick to either caffeine-free or very, very low levels of caffeine. (Some herbals do have low levels of caffeine in them.) I find caffeine makes me feel rotten, cranky, and way too jumpy - not exactly the "relaxing" vibe I'm going for.

4. Water, Water, Water!
I've posted before about how much I love water, but I'll do it again. It's amazing what a little hydration can do for you when you're feeling off. Refreshing, revitalizing, and a great way to help your digestive system at the same time. It's probably not the first thing that comes to mind, but it might help you out. I've been trying to put back extra water these last few days, which I think has been very helpful. Good for the skin, the bowel, the lips, the brain ... good for you all over.

5. Reread an Old FavouriteIf you're not a reader, replace "reread" with "rewatch," if you prefer movies. (Actually, I like both!) Since we don't have a tv in the bedroom (I refuse to have one, sorry FH!), for me curling up in bed means quiet time with a book. When I'm feeling out of sorts, I find it hard to concentrate on anything in particular, so reading something new is out of the question. What a great chance to reread something old and beloved! This week I reread Lawrence Hill's "The Book of Negroes" for about the 5th or 6th time. It's a beautiful, heart-wrenching, and totally engaging story, by the way, so go read it! 

6. Hot Shower
A hot, steamy shower is one of my absolute favourite things. We literally had to put a clock in the bathroom recently so I would stop losing track of time (and using up all the hot water). It's absolutely nothing at all for me to have a 30-minute shower without even realizing it - and yes, I know that's a huge waste of water, and yes I do feel badly about it. I find it so therapeutic though, especially right before bed.

Personally, I get a lot a lower-quadrant and lower-back pain with my endo. Setting the shower head to massager and letting the hot water hit those spots is really helpful. There's something about it that is stress-relieving, too. After, I love grabbing a pair of fluffy socks and my cosy sweat pants, and curling up with a book or movie. Renewing and pain-easing.

7. Glass of Wine
I know the endo diet calls for "no alcohol," but I just really can't stick with that, to be honest. I've had to cut out gluten, dairy, and red meat; I've chosen to cut out soy; I've chosen to reduce white sugar and caffeine; I draw the line at wine, folks - at least at this point.

It's funny, but I find that even half a glass of wine is good for settling my stomach, and of course it helps relax muscle aches as well. Half a glass before bed can do wonders for me, and as a person who just genuinely enjoys wine, it's nice that I can get some medicinal benefit out of something I'd be consuming anyway. Bonus!

Shameless wedding plug: the vidal from Willow Springs Winery in Stouffville, Ontario is fabulous!

Ok, so what's on your list? What are the little things that can make a rough day a little easier? I'm sure I will be back to add more later, but I'd love to hear from you!

Peace & Joy,

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